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Is This The Year To Be Kinder To Yourself?

The New Year often comes with strings attached; be healthier, be more organised, sleep more, be more perfect. Although there's definitely value in pushing yourself to meet your goals, January can also bring with it a lot of pressure. This past year, all of us learnt something about the value of self care, about slowing down and spending more time with ourselves. This year, rather than pushing yourself to meet this or that impossible resolution, why not promise to be a little kinder to yourself? Here are some great, simple ways to incorporate self-acceptance into your daily life.

Prioritise Your Sleep

There's nothing in the world more important for your health, both physically and mentally, than getting enough high-quality sleep every night. As if that weren't enough, It'll also make you happier, more attractive, smarter and healthier.


Make Time For Yourself

Sometimes in life we get so caught up in the world around us that we forget to make time for ourselves. Try taking an hour every week just to sit and relax; take a bath or do some meditation.

Prioritise Your Mental Health

This is the year to be proactive in your approach to your mental health; try a happiness planner or some prompt cards and really get to know where you are mentally, so that you can start making the right steps to get to where you want to be. Committing a small piece of time each day to working on your mental health is the best way to make long term improvements.

Work On Forgiving Yourself

These are all good suggestions, but they're not hard and fast rules you need to stick to in order to be mentally healthy. Being kinder to yourself is a great start, but it's also worth exercising here; pick which bits will work for you and your mental state and don't beat yourself up if you don't find the right thing right away. If you don't, you can always find more great mental health aids here.

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